So, some of us are being random on the forums and giving reasons that we know we're young writers when, and I wanted to share some of them with you guys!

You know you're a young writer when you're fifteen and still have imaginary friends
-You know you're a young writer when you tell people that you killed someone today and it's not an untrue statement
-You know you're a young writer when you carry around a notebook because it comforts you.
You know you're a young writer when you where a NaNo Brain T-Shirt that says your brain has undead, epic quests, treasure hunts, and more going on inside it.
You know you're a young writer when you get excited for JaNoWriMo instead of the holidays.
You know you're a young writer when you absentmindedly shout a story in your sleep.
You know you're a young writer when you stab someone in the heart with a pen and scream, "THIS IS NANOWRIMO!" When they say they don't like words.
You know you're a young writer when you stay up all night writing, planning, and other novel writing related things instead of going to sleep, although your mom keeps coming in and yelling at you to go to bed.
You know you're a young writer when you're reading this to your sister and you're dying of laughter and she doesn't get it.
You know you're a young writer when you write for 48 hours straight instead of doing normal things.

There's many more, because it's fun to write random quirks of why we're young writers!
12/23/2013 07:35:15 am



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